What is needed to use Google Optimize?

Posted on : October 5, 2023 | post in : category email list |Leave a reply |

What is needed to use Google Optimize? Let’s now see what we need to use this great tool and get the most out of it. Enga, we will immediately get to work (Benito, what happened to you) to do tests and optimize things… An Analytics account . Optimize works with Analytics, it is a requirement. Access to Tag Manager or the header of our website. We need to be able to insert the Optimize code on our website. The official Optimize extension for Google Chrome . It is what allows us to visually edit our website for each variant. Wins, time, good vibes and a couple of songs . The robe is not necessary, although it would look awkward…

How to use

How to use Google Optimize? Let’s see, the best thing is that you watch this video , which although it is not one of the best I have made, it well reflects that the procession is seen, not a procession, which on the dates we are in, they even appear on television. Anyway, pitin. Prepare the system and your website to carry out experiments category email list The first thing we will have to do is have access to Google Optimize and link it to both our Google Analytics property and our website. Register an account with Google Optimize. The process is easy. When I tried it it was in closed beta but now I think anyone can sign up. You just have to follow the instructions from this link .

reate the first container.

Create the first container. In the free version we can create a single container. Well, it is done Doctors Email List directly when you register. A container is, say, a website. So the ideal is that you name the container like the website you are going to experiment with. Links to Google Analytics. Ideally, you should register in Optimize with the same account with which you have Analytics for the website you want to experiment with, to make it easier because, of course, both tools are required to be connected.

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