How to do an experiment with Google Optimize?

Posted on : October 5, 2023 | post in : top industry data |Leave a reply |

How to do an experiment with Google Optimize? Did you know? It’s not so much a question of how to use the tool but of how to approach the experiments . Yes, you could start doing experiments left and right, but the ideal is that you do it with a head. We’ll see: Pose a […]

What is needed to use Google Optimize?

Posted on : October 5, 2023 | post in : category email list |Leave a reply |

What is needed to use Google Optimize? Let’s now see what we need to use this great tool and get the most out of it. Enga, we will immediately get to work (Benito, what happened to you) to do tests and optimize things… An Analytics account . Optimize works with Analytics, it is a requirement. […]

What types of tests can we perform with Google Optimize?

Posted on : October 5, 2023 | post in : industry email list |Leave a reply |

Although these types of resources are mainly associated. With carrying out A/B Tests, which are the most common and well-known, the Google tool allows us to. Carry out other types of experiments so that we can do enough tests to advance. More every day in the optimization of our website . Specifically, the Specifically, the […]