How to do an experiment with Google Optimize?

Posted on : October 5, 2023 | post in : top industry data |Leave a reply |

How to do an experiment with Google Optimize? Did you know? It’s not so much a question of how to use the tool but of how to approach the experiments . Yes, you could start doing experiments left and right, but the ideal is that you do it with a head. We’ll see: Pose a hypothesis. That is, try to ask yourself some questions and raise an issue that you want to verify. For example, in the case that I explain in the video, I have seen that on the web design page , the background does not contrast well with the text and it is not easy to read. So, you could start from the hypothesis: “a plain background would improve readability and increase conversion.” It is therefore time to prove it.

the experiments

Establish the metric you will evaluate. Defines which metric will determine which of the variants is the winner. In my case, I have chosen the Analytics objective “potential client” that is achieved when someone fills out the contact form. Therefore, the winning variant will be the one in which the most contacts are received. Defines the segment of the experiment. The segment top industry data refers to what percentage of visitors you want to participate in the experiment. For example, you can choose 100% to get a lot of information and quickly complete the experiment.

only do the

of information and quickly complete the experiment. You could also choose to only do the experiment with 25% of the visits because you don’t want to risk so many visits, in case the . variant causes losses instead of gains. Yeah? Choose Doctors Email List the frequency per variant. Frequency refers to how you want to distribute the. appearance of the variants. As a general . rule it would be fair although, on occasion, you might . Prefer that one of the variants be shown . more times than others.of information and quickly complete the experiment. You could also choose to only do the experiment . with 25% of the visits because you don’t want to risk so many visits, 

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