You write a white paper on how to create

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Effective business proposal and distribute it to the maximum number of people and customers for free. And then the most interesting thing happens. Useful effect because the white paper is a useful, practical guide, people keep it handy, print it out, and distribute it to co-workers and acquaintances. The audience of the book is growing independently and exponentially. As an author, you become an expert in the field of commercial proposals, and more and more people, after reading your white paper, decide to contact you as a professional (see mental engagement trigger ). White papers are one of the most effective types of content marketing that can be applied to almost any business.

Do you want your content to help you sell

Download under this article or right now Bulk SMS Philippines the mental map “types and groups of content” and use it as a cheat sheet when preparing materials. Download basic moments a white paper is always written on a topic that is acute for the reader . Closes some acute question, talks about a mistake that is scary to make, and so on, that is, a white book always ends up in the “Pain” of the reader. Choose a narrow topic for your white paper. Since its volume is usually small, you will not be able to cover a broad topic in detail. It is better to take a narrow one and highlight all its nuances. By the way, about volume. 20-30 pages are enough, not counting the cover, introduction and conclusion. There are white books and 100 pages, but such a reader is difficult to master.

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I think you know from experience

That the smaller the manual, the easier Doctors Email List it is to master. But you shouldn’t make a book too small either. If a reader receives a 10-page e-book for a subscription, five of which are an introduction, he gets the feeling that he was deceived. Those white books are good in which the reader gets the solution, the result. This is also why we talk about narrow topics. You need something that a person can apply and immediately see that your advice is working. At the same time, the reader must understand that he cannot completely do your work himself, that it is difficult. You gave him a path to get a point result, he should like the result, but he should want to go further with you, because it’s difficult alone.

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