Vending or vending machines selling

Posted on : March 21, 2023 | post in : Bulk SMS Service |Leave a reply |

Candy bars coffee and various items do not ne a sales assistant, but will now ne a built-in cash register – also from july 1, 2018. Payment terminals are also subject to modernization, because they work with cash and bank cards, and from july 1, 2018, along with all newcomers, they are preparing to join the ranks of cashiers. Taxithe most unexpect section of the reform is the services to the population that fell under the requirement to introduce cash desks from july 1, 2018: household services (hairdressers, ateliers), passenger transportation services, postal and mobile communications, housing and communal services.

Ticket sales sports events excursions

Tourist vouchers, etc. Now, for now, it is enough Bulk SMS Russia for individual entrepreneurs and firms in the service sector to issue bso to buyers – strict reporting forms. Forms can be bought at a stationery store, order at a printing house, or use an online bso printing service. But from july 1, 2018, they will be able to continue to issue bsos, but not “manually”, but in fact the bso will become one of the types of cash receipts, they will have to be “punch” using a new type of equipment – the “automat bso system”. This device will be a kind of cash register and the requirements for it are the same.

Bulk SMS Service

With registration and connection mandatory

The internet and ofd. Who does not ne online cash Doctors Email List registers among entrepreneurs, a rumor is being transmitt on a “broken phone” that small businesses are exempt from the cash reform and can work without a cash desk. Yes, this is true, but it does not mean the whole, but a very specific and very small business. Kassy2 why online checkout is good we all understand the disadvantages of this news, but let’s see if the changes will bring at least something pleasant? Remote registration now registration (registration) of cash registers takes place online through the taxpayer’s personal account without a visit to the tax office.

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