Understand and Study

Posted on : October 17, 2023 | post in : B2B Email List |Leave a reply |

By seeing what the target audience is really interest in you will be able to discover their challenges and therefore know how to help them perhaps by offering similar content. If the prospect uses Twitter you can read which posts he shares (usually because he agrees with a statement or finds it particularly useful) and write about the topic and then offer him the link. On LinkIn however you can study the professional profile and act accordingly: if the contact has been in his role for less than a year he may ne help and the solution offer by the company could be right for him.

Understand and study

The profile of prospects In most cases it is difficult to find the right person the one who will make the purchasing decision. This is because often in B2B it is not an Business Database individual but a group: recent research claims that there are as many as 17 people involv in the purchasing cycle! It takes some effort to identify and study the profiles that could influence the purchasing decision but they are certainly connect to each other (or at worst to the target company). Particular attention must also be paid to the role held because the titles are now increasingly imaginative.

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Can also be strategic on LinkIn because they help discover a prospect’s responsibilities his experience the sector he comes from and the weight he may have in the purchasing decision. During the intelligence phase you will also have the opportunity to define a tailor strategy for each contact with personaliz messages that will undoubtly pay off in the results. Building valuable relationships thanks to social mia Within the inbound methodology the prospect’s first point of contact with a company is usually the website but in the case Doctors Email List of the social strategy the objective is to establish relationships with potential customers directly on the platforms through a connection request .

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