Rocketdata the service for managing online and business

Looqme the looqme mia monitoring system captures changes in the company’s information field around the clock. She works with online mia, print mia and social mia. In the event of a negative, the system determines the source of information, assesses the scale of the problem and helps to choose a solution. Functionality depends on the tariff. Youscan youscan also specializes in social mia monitoring. Its feature is visual analysis tools and information obtain through images. More than 500 thousand monitoring sources are present on the platform and 500 million brand mentions are analyz daily. The minimum cost of the package (per quarter) is 35,000 rubles per month. reputation rocketdata.

Single office helps to work with reviews

Post on 30 different internet services SMS Gateway Chile social networks on maps and other sites). Yandex, google, 2gis, apple maps, maps.Me, osm and others are also support. Tariffication is bas on the number of campaign locations (shops, branches, offices). The minimum package is 15 thousand rubles, there is a trial period. Important! Don’t limit yourself to one monitoring system. No matter how expensive the package is, you should not expect it to provide a 100% result. Do not give up searching for information manually using search engines. Monitor reviews and mentions at the same time with multiple tools. Use the google business review moderation service and communicate even more actively with customers and target audience.

Bulk SMS Service

Ambulance in the scandal never wait for thunder

Strike and someone else to build your company’s Doctors Email List reputation for you. Not the fact that it will be positive! Therefore, work on it, protect it and constantly increase the cribility of the brand. Daily or several times a day, analyze the online reputation of your business for key queries (words). Do not forget to also monitor other sites: reviews, forums, industry portals, social networks, youtube. Remember: the first page of google search results is the calling card of your brand. If an internet user immiately sees negative or services, serm (search engine reputation management, which means “search engine reputation management”) and the right pr strategy will help.

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