Open an Online Shop on Aliexpress

Posted on : October 17, 2023 | post in : Special Database |Leave a reply |

Open an online shop on aliexpress at very low costs marketing for smes.  Selling online selling online all over the world costs even less another opportunity.  Is add to the range of options available to our smes: the possibility.  Of opening an online shop on aliexpress to do e-commerce. In fact, the chinese giant alibaba, also owner of aliexpress, is betting . On italy and our small and mium-siz businesses , making the . E-commerce platform with all its services available to them. The news from a few months ago has become reality: today italian smes.  Which do not yet sell online, can open an e-shop on aliexpress, 

Aliexpress is no longer just Chinese e-commerce

To sell their products to consumers all over the world , excluding china. What is the biggest advantage? Pay lower percentages on sales than those ask by amazon and ebay! Aliexpress is no longer just chinese e-commerce isn’t aliexpress.  An e-commerce aim at the chinese market, which sells items produc by retailers bas in china? In fact, it was born as a mega platform for chinese items, made by small local special data businesses and remain . So for a long time until this year’s change of business model. To counter amazon’s excessive power, jack ma’s group has chang its strategy.  Opening up to other markets in which amazon’s infiltration is lower. 

China is betting on Italy's great potential

Aliexpress has also chosen italy and its small. And mium-siz businesses, famous throughout the world for . The production of excellent workmanship and quality Doctors Email List products. Which will not be difficult to sell. Will italian merchants choose to open a shop on aliexpress? Will the promise of selling . Online all over the world be enough, paying very low commissions and taking. Advantage of all the utilities connect to the “Mother” e-commerce platform? Maybe! China is betting on italy’s great potential martin . Wang, business development director of aliexpress, recently declar. That the decision to invest in our country is bas on the great potential that italy has,

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