New checks must contain more information the seller

Posted on : March 21, 2023 | post in : Bulk SMS Service |Leave a reply |

In accordance with feral law 54, now all cash registers must have an internet connection and transmit information about sales through special secure channels in several directions at once: to the buyer (by e-mail or via sms) and to server to the tax office. At the same time, the cash register almost did not change outwardly, and its original function (printing paper receipts) was preserv, that is, when buying, the seller punches, as before, a cash receipt and hands it from hand to hand, and the online cash register sends electronic copies of this check to tax and to the client’s or sms. An exception when it is possible not to print a paper receipt is the acceptance of payments through internet sites without the physical presence of the buyer.

Printing on paper does not mean not punching

The check must still be carri out through Bulk SMS Ukraine the cashier, record, sign and electronically transmitt to the buyer and to the tax office. Yes, new technologies and the transition to them are not always easy, this is internet acquiring, we will also talk about it. The appearance of the paper checks themselves and their content have also chang. and the purchase itself, for example: name of goods and services, their quantity and cost (previously it was possible to punch checks without specifying the composition of the purchase.

Bulk SMS Service

Only by amounts form of taxation of the seller

A special qr-code and a link to verify the Doctors Email List uthenticity of the check. This code looks like a black and white square fill with dots-pixels in a unique order, and buyers will now be able to check the legality of their purchase and receive information about it using a special smartphone program that recognizes such a qr-code from checks and finds all the data on this check in a single database); if the cash desk is install in a store, showroom, pick-up point, warehouse, etc, then it is necessary to indicate the address of the premises; if traveling trade is carri out from a car, then the number and model of the car are indicat; if payment for goods or services is made on the site, then the address of the site must be indicat in the check.

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