From the next, and each information block should be check against the objectives of the course – did it move the listener forward? The classical model of learning, familiar to us from school, is the theory-practice-theory-practice cycle. But this is far from the only way to teach knowlge. For online courses, there are at least 2 more productive models that are suitable for adults. David kolb model the theory is bas on the idea that all adults already have one or another life experience, and it is much easier for them to accept new knowlge bas on it. This model consists of 4 stages: actualization of specific experience (about 10% of the time). Learning begins with the fact that in a playful way, through interesting questions and tasks.
Person remembers what he already
Knows about the topic of study. The student can SMS Gateway Taiwan make assumptions, the purpose of the questions at this stage is not to assess knowlge, but to engage. Now a person should feel the significance of the topic that he is studying. Analysis and consolidation of what is already known (20% of the time). The tutor asks students questions, they analyze how effective their solutions were at the previous stage. Scatter knowlge is built into a logical structure. Learning a new theory (50% of the time). The teacher, bas on the conclusions already formulat by the students, gives them the missing blocks of theory, helps to build relationships and patterns, and comprehend new ideas. Practice and results (30% of the time). The theoretical model obtain at the previous stages is appli in practice, students perform tasks.
In an online course, the actualization of knowlge
The implementation of exercises can be solv in the form Doctors Email List f illustrat case stories, when the student must choose one replica from several propos ones, and the like. Dreyfus model according to it, a person on the path of learning goes through 5 stages of mastering skills, from beginner to master. Keep this in mind when helping students learn the practice: start with specific examples and build up to an independent project. Newbie. A person at this stage, as a rule, does not want to learn, but wants to get results right away. At the same time, his knowlge of the subject is so small that he can only take a rule and apply it to obtain a specific result. For example, watch a master class on drawing a croissant and repeat.