There I learn many massage techniques and practical

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Here the money is buri and the search for meanings. As a result, work with me usually ends with the external and internal reassembly of a woman, life changes and a transition to a new scale. For this, in fact, they come to me, if you dig deeper. A fresh case: a girl came for a massage to ruce her ass, and six months later she bought an apartment. Thanks to my “Dao op” approach, she was able to cope with nervous tension and a large amount of money. What did you do before, before the tao era? I was a poker player for many years and also complet a master’s degree in psychology and psychoanalysis. Additionally, she master the skills of coaching and mentoring. I practic in psychiatry for a year and a half, thanks to the latter, including, I am now very stable.

I had a large private psi practice

In a company of 250 people, which gave me Bulk SMS Cyprus hundrs of hours of experience and a running-in of the mentor’s techniques. I was also a leader there: I built all business processes, from marketing to customer care and staff training. do a lot of things at the same time. I am also a practitioner, which makes me a wide-profile specialist. During the period of study at the cio, I did not stop conducting receptions, studying anatomy and nutrition, I learn to clearly manage social networks. why did you decide to leave the business and change direction? My health deteriorat: I burn out both physically and mentally. Health was urgently ne. What I just didn’t do: doctors, hospitals, alternative micine. She stopp her boots in search of solutions. In the end, I realiz that I ne to figure it out myself. It was only important to decide where to dig.

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I even thought about going to mical school

When I began to study the issue, it became clear that I Doctors Email List was not there – largely because of the western approach. And then I got an appointment with a visceral therapist. And, lo and behold, she manag to remove the pain that gastroenterologists could not cope with for years. I realiz that I had found a treasure, and chose this direction. Focus on naturopathy and visceral therapy. — where did you study visceral therapy? She receiv her basic ucation in moscow and continu in india. ayurva. But the main thing here is not to collect all the techniques of the world, but to learn to understand what and why you are doing, to develop the sensitivity of your fingers and to know how everything works in the human body. For the last 2 years she has been practicing under the wing of an experienc colleague.


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