The 20 best Templates to create an Online Store

Posted on : October 10, 2023 | post in : job function email list |Leave a reply |

The 20 best Templates to create an Online Store. We have many students from the Online Store course and the WordPress course who are starting and setting up their own online business. Many ask us for recommendations on what designs to use or what templates to buy to set up their Ecommerce. These are our recommendations. When creating an online store you can use several platforms or content managers. The most used are WordPress, Magento and Presta shop.

Creating the database in WordPress and the user

Therefore, Creating the database in WordPress and the user. While those thousand or so files that make up our basic WordPress installation are uploaded, we can do a couple of things in our server control panel. Specifically, we are going to create the database and its corresponding user . This step is essential for our Worpdress to start working and it must be done well. I recommend email leads that you write down the data that we are going to use now on a piece of paper . Therefore, in a while we will need it and with so many accounts and passwords it is not difficult to get involved.

Installing WordPress through the browser

Installing WordPress through the browser. Database created with user and all assigned permissions. WordPress files uploaded to the public folder of our server. Yeah? Well, we are going to install WordPress, which is basically telling those files where the database is. Therefore, what it is called and who is Doctors Email List going to use it. Try typing your domain in a browser. Therefore, you should see a screen with the WordPress logo and some boxes where you must fill out the database information.

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