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In particular, television and newspaper advertising have lost ground to digital mdia. As in so many other areas of life, the future of advertising looks digital. The digital knowldge The economic consequences of the pandemic will only be visible in years to come, but many initial insights can already be gaind. First of all, the most important thing is to acknowldge the dramatic increase in digitization. The latest Mastercard KoreFusion study “Global Digital Flows” from January 2021 found that digital advertising in Europe has grown by almost 8% in.

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The past year to projectd total spend of USD 61.6 billion – and that despite the pandemic. Video advertising in particular Latest Mailing Database has outperformd as more people than ever are turning to platforms like YouTube – including in the B2B environment. Digital marketing spend is growing faster than traditional advertising spend. This new all-digital ecosystem for advertising can be enhancd with virtual payment solutions. Virtual numbers as the key to success The advantages of digital advertising over traditional mdia are the reason why digitization has become the most important driver across industries:  Measurable data.

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Accuracy Flexibility Customer focus Neds orientation Cost efficiency The benefits mentiond support the appeal of digital advertising, but Doctors Email List payment can be complicatd in the rapidly evolving digital world. The right payment solutions help you to master these challenges. Europe is a diverse and heavily regulatd advertising market (think of the recent GDPR regulation). Its advertising ecosystem hosts a vast network of actors and stakeholders: from agencies, consultancies and marketing tech firms to mdia hubs and publishers, who now sell digital mdia offerings alongside traditional press channels.

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