How to Use Search Analytics in Google Sheets for Better Seo Insights

Posted on : August 26, 2023 | post in : Job Function Email Database |Leave a reply |

As an seo, whether you’re working in-house or handling many clients in an agency, you’ve likely been using this tool for a bunch of reasons. Whether it’s diagnosing traffic and position changes or finding opportunities for optimizations and content ideas, google search console’s search search analytics has been at the core of most seos’ toolset.
The scope of this small guide is to give you a few ideas on how to use search analytics together with google sheets to help you in your seo work. As with the guide on how to do competitive analysis in excel, this one is also focused around a tool that I’ve built to help me get the most of search analytics: search analytics for sheets.

The problem with the search analytics ui

Sorting out and managing data in the google search console search analytics web ui in order to get meaningful insights is often difficult to do, and even the csv downloads don’t make it much easier.

The main problem with the search analytics ui is grouping.

If you’d like to see a list of all the keywords in search analytics and, at the same time, get their corresponding landing pages, you can’t do that. You instead Job Function Email Database need to filter query-by-query (to see their associated landing pages), or page-by-page (to see their associated queries). And this is just one example.

Search analytics grouping

Job Function Email Database

Basically, with the search analytics ui, you can’t do Doctors Eamil List any sort of grouping on a large scale. You have to filter by each keyword, each landing page, each country etc. In order to get the data you need, which would take a lot of time (and possible a part of your sanity as well).

In comes the api for the save
Almost one year ago (and after quite a bit of pressure from webmasters), google launched the official api for search analytics.

Official google webmaster central blog search analytics api
With it, you can do pretty much anything you can do with the web ui, with the added benefit of applying any sort of grouping and/or filtering.

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