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Do you haveonline cash desks. Part 2. Checkouts in online stores april 3, 2017 legal issues and accounting in the first part of the issue about online cash desks, expert irina feeva spoke about cash discipline, online checks and who is oblig to connect an online cash desk and who is exempt from it. Today we will talk about accepting payments in online stores. What will change for online stores for distance selling, the changes are the most ambitious. This is due to the fact that the last major reforms of cash discipline were carri out in 2003. At that time, online shopping was only in its infancy. Therefore, for many payment and delivery methods, there were no specific and understandable points in the law.

Well, now they are although many

Entrepreneurs are not happy with SMS Gateway Hungary innovations, we will have to learn how to work according to the new rules. Law 54-fz obliges online stores to punch checks at online cash desks from july 1, 2017. Deferrals until july 1, 2018 are not allow. The very sphere of distance trading excludes the possibility of applying utii or a patent (to whom this deferment was grant). In what cases is it mandatory for online stores to punch checks when paying on the site, including using payment aggregators like yandex and others.

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The check must be punch and sent

The ofd and the buyer within 5 minutes from the Doctors Email List moment the payment is confirm. It is this moment that is recogniz by law as the moment the store receives money. Although the funds themselves are receiv by the company for non-cash after a certain time. Even if, under the contract, the aggregator performs the function of a “paying agent”. This does not relieve the store of responsibility. When the buyer pays for the order in cash or by bank card through the card terminal upon receipt of the order at the pickup point or in the showroom. Also, 5 minutes are allott for breaking through the check, and at the request of the buyer, in addition to the paper check, an electronic check is sent to him without fail.

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