This code must be install on the site, on all its pages. And immiately after installation, the counter will start working. Code with a unique counter number what data about users of your site you can receive metrica collects a huge amount of data about your users. You can find out: their location; the devices they use when browsing your site; their sex and age characteristics; sources of referrals to your site; time of visiting your resource; the depth of viewing the site and the time spent on it by each user; data about orders in your online store or simply sent applications and many, many other data. All this is collect and generat for you in the form of visual reports. For example, I will show you one of the reports.
This is data on the age of visitors advertising
As you can see, you can find out that Poland Email List the majority of site visitors are users ag 25-34. Website visitor age statistics how else can you use this data? I’ll give you the simplest example. You go to the report on the devices us by your site visitors and see that a fairly large number of them go to your resource from mobile. And your site (oh horror!) is still not adapt for viewing on mobile devices. Statistics about site views from mobile phones what do we have to do? That’s right: call the site developer as soon as possible and order a mobile version. Third example. You order posts in several vkontakte groups. How do you know which ones brought you new customers and which didn’t work at all.
Rapid advance of new sales sms metrics
You will order advertising posts only in those Doctors Email List groups where they work. How to use yandex metrica reports the first thing you ne to know: in yandex metrica, the default settings show you data bas on the user’s last visit to your site. There are so-call attributions . Do not be afraid of this word, in fact, everything is simple. A user may visit your site several times from different sources, devices, etc. Before placing an order on the site. When you open any metric report, you always see data about the last user transition. But it is incorrect to judge the effectiveness of, for example, advertising by these data: a user could go to your site in the morning by an advertisement.