Which is Google’s unpaid search

Posted on : October 7, 2023 | post in : Special Database |Leave a reply |

Visits and leads. Content marketing or SEO? Content marketing or SEO? Let’s start, then, to understand where the problem lies. You certainly know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is. In short, improve your website to appear in organic search, which is Google’s unpaid search. And how is that done? Constantly working on the 3 pillars of the SEO Strategy , which we define as: website optimization (spe, mobile operation, suitable code); content production (everything we’ve been talking about so far); gaining backlinks (acquiring links on other websites to yours). In other words, if you look at the 3 pillars above, you will see that content marketing is one of them. But only ONE of them.

And what to expect from that

As we saw in the previous topic, one of the primary objectives of content production is to generate visits. And this, naturally, happens through organic search. Simply put, you understand your audience, define the search intent, create text and place it on your website. And what to expect from that? Your text will rank on Google. On the first page. And it will generate thousands of visits. It will be? Is it really possible that by working on just one of the SEO pillars, and ignoring the others, your content will give you that much  Latest database return? When are your competitors possibly looking at all three aspects? So, I believe the conclusion is quite obvious: content marketing IS NOT SEO. But it is crucial for SEO.

This all makes a lot of sense

So, if your company is going to think about investing in content marketing, think about SEO first. Otherwise, it won’t work. Because it does not work? Conceptually, the whole thing is perfect. Be empathetic, talk about people’s problems, help solve them. This all makes a lot of sense. But that alone is no use. And, believe me, we’ve seen many companies here with years of investment in content and no results. Just creating texts, images and videos and leaving them to marinate on your website will not bring miracles of traffic and conversions. Other  Doctors Email List barriers ne to be overcome. So, so as not to just talk, let’s explore the 10 most common reasons that prevent your investment in content marketing from working.

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