In a future post I will explain how the Pro version works

Posted on : October 9, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

If you want to better work on the buyer persona of your digital or personal brand project. In version works this section the tool provides you with very useful data such as. Now that you know what Similar web is and that there is a free version and a paid version. It is time to tell you what Similar web is for . What is Similar web for? We are more than Are you signing up.

version works will be able to know

Which countries send the most traffic to your website. Who uses Similar web? Similar web is a platform used by professionals. Who want to carry out a conversion company data analysis and market study. Of their website or pages of direct competitors so that they can develop a digital strategy. With greater precision and be able to optimize the resources they currently have available. For example, it can be used by: Digital Marketing Consultants. SEO consultants. Bloggers Web analysts, etc. And anyone who has a web project and wants to know interesting data. About their project and the competition.


Another very valid information

For working on a buyer persona is to know the interests of the audience of our competition and sector, and see if there are interests that they are touching and that work very well for them and that we are not promoting.

Similar website offers this information distributed in: And it also shows you a graph with the evolution of total visits to the site in the last month. graph web traffic evolution Very Doctors Email List interesting to know if traffic went up or down compared to previous months. 4) Work on the Buyer Persona of your project, knowing the Audience and their Interests If you want to better work on the buyer persona of your digital or personal brand project , in this section the tool provides you with very useful data such as: Segmentation by country and geography .

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