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Finally, on July 16, 1945, the first atomic test took place in the New Mexico desert. On the morning of August 6 of that same year, at exactly 8:15, the industrial city of Hiroshima was shaken by an unprecent detonation. At 600 meters above sea level, the first atomic bomb had just explod. It had a harmless name -Little Boy-, but it contain a load of more than 4 and a half tons of uranium-235 that claim the lives of 140,000 people. A dense four-mile vertical cloud photograph by George Caron, tail gunner of the Enola Gay, the plane from which the bomb was dropp, is a nebulous record of that act of destruction. Three days later, on August 9, another bomb of almost 5 tons of plutonium –

Absurd as Perhaps the

Fat Man – was detonat over the city of Nagasaki, causing the death of more than 70,000 people. The Empire of Japan surrender unconditionally a week later, accepting the Potsdam Declaration, sign between the Unit States, the Unit Kingdom, the Republic of China and the Soviet Union. Hiroshima and Nagasaki 73 years later The aftermath of these two business database mega nuclear explosions persists 73 years later. Although the days in which the detonations occurr there were instant deaths due to the effect of the blast wave, the thermal energy generat and the initial ionizing radiation, there are still thousands of people who require care for radiation-relat illnesses each year. It is estimat that the

Attempt to Explain It Is

Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs have caus more than a quarter of a million deaths to date. It is worth remembering that wars, regardless of the arguments put forward, have no reason or justification.General Alfr Jodl, chief of staff of the High Command of the Arm Forces, had sign the act of unconditional Doctors Email List surrender of Germany to the alli forces on May 7, 1945. However, the German capitulation did not mean the end of the Second World War. World War, because in the Pacific area Japan maintain its aspirations to exercise hegemony after offering several nations to free them from European yoke.

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