Google Classroom is used to create and manage online classes

Posted on : October 8, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

In this article you will see what Google Classroom is and how it works , Google’s free tool to manage classes in the educational field. As well as download and enter the platform if you are a teacher or student. Google Classroom is on its way to becoming the definitive tool for teachers and trainers around the planet.

And the company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Bring has set out to create a complete platform where teachers can carry out their work in a simple way and at zero cost, following what has already become its usual line. If you want to know what Google Classroom is for and how it works , you will find out in this guide.

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a free virtual learning management tool , with it you can create and manage online classes with complete ease. As is the case with most Google tools, you do not need to be an accredited professional to use it, providing free access to all types of trainers. It works using G Suite technology , so the only requirement is to have an active Gmail account with which to register.

Google Classroom is aimed at all types of teachers , whether they teach private classes, online coaching or work in an educational center. Another interesting option is the. 

It also allows you to add materials to tasks, such as YouTube videos, surveys , and other elements from Google Drive. As well as sending direct and real-time comments executive data between teachers and students, which helps organize and improve communication between them. This platform works like a social network, in which we will have a wall or board on which to post messages, and another on which we can add tasks for students, which we can comment on and evaluate.


Here you can see:

The interaction with your site in the last month; And it also shows you a graph with the evolution of total visits to the site in the last month. graph web traffic evolution Very Doctors Email List interesting to know if traffic went up or down compared to previous months. 4) Work on the Buyer Persona of your project, knowing the Audience and their Interests If you want to better work on the buyer persona of your digital or personal brand project , in this section the tool provides you with very useful data such as: Segmentation by country and geography .

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