My first lessons learned after selling for a month on Ebay

Posted on : October 14, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

My first lessons learned after selling for a month on Ebay. have already announced it in my blog entry where I talked about 2017 trends . For me , it is undoubtedly the growing importance of marketplaces . After having moved a lot with Amazon in 2016 and with Wallapop at the beginning of 2017, it was time to investigate Ebay a little more in depth. eBayPhoto rights from Fotolia I warn you.

Duration of auctions or sales at a fixed price

Duration of auctions or sales at a fixed price (or negotiable) Unlik e Amazon on Ebay, your offers have a limited publication executive data duration. In the case of auctions you can choose between 7 or 10 days and in the sale at a fixed price (or negotiable) you can choose 7, 15 or 30 days (there is still one more option). Here is a very simple rule. The longer the better because more people will see your offer. It’s common sense, you don’t have to think about it any further.

International sale with Ebay

My first International sale with Ebay I estimate without having any specific data at hand (it surely exists if you start looking) that on Doctors Email List Ebay com there is surely 10-20 times the sales volume than on Ebay es. Therefore you have much more visibility publishing on the international platform where you mainly have American buyers.

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