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6 key reasons to build an employer brand

An integral part of your company’s brand is the so-called employer brand.  This is the brand’s image on the labor market  , or how the brand is perceived by your current and potential employees.

  • Candidates want to work for an attractive employer.
  • You will fill the necessary positions faster.
  • More qualified candidates will apply to your selection process.
  • You will reduce recruitment costs.
  • You will achieve greater work productivity among your employees.
  • And you will boast low turnover.

The basic principle of employer branding – proper communication

Mutual understanding is the alpha and omega of the entire brand building process. Employees who feel that their existence is meaningful and useful to the company and that their opinions matter to their bosses are happier and more effective at work. Can you clearly communicate the following points to your employees?

  • Vision – Do your employees know where your company is headed and how you want to achieve it? And even better – can they themselves participate in its development? The feeling that they are not just puppets in the hands of management will motivate them.
  • Mission – Why did you start the company? What was your original intention? People love stories , and your employees are no exception.
  • Values ​​– What are your company’s values? What do they value? If employees can identify with the company’s values, they tend to be more loyal and less likely to look for a job change.
  • The meaning of your and their work – No one enjoys phone number database creating work for the sake of work. People want to see meaning behind their work and, ideally, real results. This point is important to define, especially in office professions that are so-called unable to touch their work. So do your employees see meaning in their work?
  • Your expectations from employees – Do you discuss with your employees their contribution to the development of the company and what specifically they have or can contribute? You may have expectations, but it would be good for your employees to know about them and have the opportunity to fulfill them.
  • The value you offer them – Of course. Every company wants something from its employees – performance, know-how, time… But you should not forget that it should offer them something in return . Do you have well-established company benefits and do your employees know enough about all the advantages that working for you will bring them?
  • Competitive advantages – Every company provides its employees with certain advantages. It is important that your employees know about them and do not think that it does not matter whether they work for Mr. Vomáčka or Mr. Vocílek. So what would you say, does your company know why you are better than others? 🙂

To sum it up in one sentence, you simply need to know WHAT, HOW, TO WHOM  and most importantly WHY you are communicating . And this applies not only to worth thinking about your employer brand? internal communication, but also to communication around recruitment. You may be surprised, but people really care about what kind of companies they want to work for and how they perceive what kind of companies they work for and how management communicates with them.

Did you know that more than 50% of applicants do not receive a response to their CV within 14 days ? And 40% never receive a response at all . Do you remember when you were a job applicant? I bet that stubborn silence about your CV or interview results would not exactly boost your confidence and might even make you reconsider whether you want to work for a company with such behavior. And what’s more, we all know that bad news and experiences spread much faster than good ones.

How to find out what your employer brand is?

#1 Start with your employees

Ask your people about the authentic reasons why they work for your company, what they consider to be the biggest benefits, or what they are proud of in connection with your company.

#2 Ask the candidates

Of course, internal and external views may differ. I have the opportunity to meet candidates for our open positions face to face and questions like “Why would you want to work at eVisions? What do you know about our company? What do you like/dislike about our agency?” have not escaped anyone and will not escape them. They provide us with a picture of how our agency is perceived from the outside.

Applicants (for jobs with us) value the following the most:

  • Personal development and the opportunity to constantly move forward.
  • Family background of a small company.
  • Flexibility and free time.
  • Friendly team.
  • A fair reward for your efforts.

When I interviewed my colleagues, I was amazed to find that their reasons for working at eVisions overlapped with and complemented the candidates’ reasons.

How to build a company that your employees will love?

Our agency was and is built on people. Everyone is unique, doing their job to the best of their ability and at the same time doing their best for the company, the team and themselves. And what’s more – they don’t do it because they have to, but because they want to.

Why we love working here and why you would too? How to create an environment your employees will look forward to?

Time flexibility – Plan your day however you like, but do what you have to do.

Candidates have their own extracurricular activities and appreciate time flexibility. The last thing they want is to walk into work with a sick stomach because instead of 8:30, they arrive at 8:35, let alone 8:40.

At eVisions , we are our own masters . We can schedule our working hours to suit us – to make it to our morning yoga class, to write tests at school, to feed the toddler, or simply to get a good night’s sleep.

Leadership that will support your personal growth and with whom you will go “one-on-one”

Over 80% of employees leave their jobs due to disagreements with their boss. I dare say that you are not at risk of this at eVisions.

You’ll agree that having a boss who lets you work from home whenever you need to and who you can go for a beer with is great. But having a leader who can get incredible performance out of you and motivate you is much more. And the fact that you can play football with them in the office or go for a beer after work is actually a bonus.

Meaningful work and support for self-realization employer brand

All candidates clearly consider it important to have the opportunity to develop and work on projects that are meaningful. No one wants (and shouldn’t) go to work to “do their 8 hours a day.”

We work at eVisions because we enjoy it , because we want to develop ourselves , move the company forward , and at the same time do our best to satisfy our clients .

Our ideas, suggestions, comments and dreams are always heard virgin islands send and, if they make sense, they are also supported (whether in terms of time, psychologically or financially).

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