What templates exist, etc. Popular free universal cms wordpress joomla drupal modx wordpress initially, wordpress cms was creat as a blogging platform, and its first release took place back in 2003. What wordpress has evolv into now is as far from the original version as a carriage from a car. It is undoubtly the most popular cms, and the reason for its popularity is its ease of use. WordPress is famous for its “5 minute install” that includes a few simple steps. What’s more, some hosting companies have introduc the “WordPress cms pre-install” option. The admin panel is very convenient and has an intuitive interface.
For wordpress, there are already a huge number
Templates (themes), plugins extensions Guatemala Email List applications and new ones are constantly being creat. WordPress admin panel wordpress admin panel pros: easy installation. Intuitive interface. to manage content, knowlge of the html language and layout skills are not requir. A wide range of plugins, themes, widgets, extension add-ons, including those for creating online stores. The theme can be chang in one click, its setup is very simple. Support for a large number of languages. ability to it php and css files through the admin panel. Minuses: vulnerability this is due to the fact that the developers of templates, plugins and other products for wordpress are third-party companies and individuals.
A developer can easily hide malicious code
In a template and then gain access to the site Doctors Email List start sending spam or generate links for the so-call “Black seo”. Download templates only from trust developers with a good reputation (which is true, by the way, for any open source cms). You should not chase free ones, because it is in a free product that something malicious is most often add. The second way is to check with the help of special services that scan the site for dangerous code. Practice shows that open source cms are more secure, as they are develop by specialist communities. Millions of users around the world quickly find and fix weaknesses, while only a few experts work on clos-source projects.