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What is SEO? Understand the basics of optimization

Basics of optimization or Search Engine Optimization , is a key strategy in Digital Marketing . It helps websites or pages appear higher in organic search results, such as Google. By adjusting your website to search algorithms, you improve the chances of being found by those looking for what you offer.

The goal of is to attract qualified visitors to your website. This means more chances of conversion and sales. So, knowing how to do is crucial for anyone who wants to shine in the digital world.

Basics of optimizationis a fundamental digital marketing strategy

SEO is a set of practices to europe cell phone number list improve a website’s visibility in search results. The goal is to increase organic traffic to your website. This can improve conversion and sales opportunities.

What is SEO?
SEO is about optimizing your website to be found by search engine algorithms like Google. It includes various techniques to improve the relevance and usability of your online content .

Importance of SEO in basics of optimization

SEO is crucial in digital marketing . Many users start their what is seo? understand the basics of optimization online searches on search engines. Therefore, a good positioning in search results increases the visibility of your business.

Furthermore, is a low-cost marketing strategy . Compared to other forms of digital advertising, it is more cost-effective. Investing in optimization helps in the long-term growth of your online business.

The beginnings of
SEO began in the early 1990s, when the first websites appeared on the internet. It was necessary to organize navigation between these pages. Companies like Excite, Alta Vista and Yahoo were pioneers in this process.

How did come about?

SEO gained momentum with Google, created in 1997 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. They created an algorithm that valued the quality of content. This changed how people found information on the internet.

Who are the creators of SEO?

Brin and Page are seen as the book your list pioneers of. The creation of Google and its relevance algorithm was crucial to the development of SEO.

When did the term come into use?

The term  started to be used more in the late 90s. This was when optimizing websites for search engines became important for companies and marketers.

“SEO emerged as a natural need to organize and categorize the growing amount of information available on the internet.”
Since then, has changed a lot, following changes in search engine algorithms. Knowing about the history of , its emergence and its creators is essential to understand its importance today.

The evolution of SEO

The journey of SEO is a story of innovation and adaptation. Since its inception, has changed a lot, following algorithm updates and more advanced practices .

The early years of were easy because the algorithms were simple. But over time, search engines became more complex. They started to identify and punish bad SEO practices .
As the internet grew, marketers had to adapt

They started using more ethical practices . This was essential for long-term success. Today, is much more than just improving rankings.

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