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Search for: Log In / Social media Articles That Will Turn You Into a Data-Driven Social Media Marketer By Mark John Hiemstra on July st . in Social media Laughing_Data You mean to tell me you’re not using data to direct your social media efforts Social media marketing is often used to pull in new followers at the top of the funnel.
People cast a wide net but in many cases
. completely miss the mark when it comes to tracking their efforts. They neglect to set concrete . measurable goals – in other words . they neglect to run structured social media campaigns. Why should you be running social media campaigns They are the rudder that steers the boat in a particular direction .
charting the course for your activities.
And setting finite start and end dates allows you to track your pro Cell phone number list Denmark gress so you can iterate and get even better results. If you’re not using data to direct your social media campaigns . then you’re missing out on massive opportunities. The opportunity to get to know your audience better .
the opportunity to reach a larger audience .
and the opportunity to fully understand the results of your eff This Australian Mobile Number orts… so you can optimize them accordingly. So how do you get the most out of social media with data If you want to become a more data-driven social media marketer . you’ve got to learn from others who are already doing it well – and the web is overflowing with articles that can help on that front.
We’ve rounded up five articles that break down how you can use data to get the most out of your social media campaigns. Ready to reap the benefits Read on. . How to create buyer personas with social media data by Pierre Borodin for Hootsuite On landing pages and on social media alike . you need to know your customers’ needs before you attempt to speak to them.
For that reason . buyer personas are a part
of the foundation of any successful social media marketing campaign. As this article from Hootsuite by Pierre Borodin outlines . buyer personas are representations of the people who are buying . or might buy . your product. With buyer personas . you ‘re able to understand your customers better.
By more fully understanding your customer through buyer personas . you are taking the first step toward creating campaigns that really speak to their needs. buyer_personas_with_social_media_data Image source. In order to get the best information to create buyer personas . you need data. And guess what You can collect that data through your different social media channels.
Facebook Insights . Twitter Analytics . LinkedIn Groups and other tools contain the information you need to learn about your customers in and out. Crafting buyer personas Glean insights about your customers through social media analytics. Click To Tweet This article explains that by listening to your customers through these channels . you’ll build models that clearly outline who your customers are .