The term “turquoise company” was coined and “colored” by business consultant Frederic Laloux. In his 2014 book “Reinventing Organizations of the Future”, he gave different organizations, depending on their management system, their own color:
- red – a rigid model based on submission and power;
- Amber – a traditional model with a clear hierarchy;
- orange – a more democratic model, but with country email list high competition between employees, the main goal is money, career;
- green – family model, the opinion of each employee is important.
According to Laloux, the companies of the future are evolving. They are innovative in how they organize their work and act as a single living organism. He gave them a new color.
What are turquoise companies
The model of organizing the work process is similar to the holacracy method . There is no familiar vertical hierarchy and bosses here — there is a horizontal technical aspects of the boom in the zone company structure. Employees of a turquoise organization can work both separately and in teams. Turquoise teams have common values and goals, based on which they make their own decisions. Meeting deadlines or completing tasks does not depend on fines or KPIs, but on the personal responsibility of employees.
Principles of the Turquoise Company
The Turquoise approach is built on three principles: evolutionary purpose, self-management, and integrity. Let’s take a closer look.
Evolutionary purpose
The evolutionary goal of the company is a kind of mission , it is not trust review about profit and money. And it is not directed inward, but outward. It is about what benefit the company brings to people and the world as a whole. It is important that employees share the company’s views and make decisions based on the common goal.
The company “Patagonia” produces goods for active recreation. The philosophy of the organization implies complete ecology of all processes – clothes are made from organic cotton or recycled plastic. The founder of the company Yvon Chouinard is a well-known environmentalist, and Patagonia does many environmental projects. The company also has a rule – to cooperate only with those partners who adhere to the same environmental principles.
The management system in a turquoise company is horizontal. Formally, there may be a director, but in fact, no one gives orders. There are no positions within the company, but there are roles.
The turquoise management style is an independent choice of tasks and personal responsibility of each. An employee can find out the opinions of other employees, but he does not coordinate his decision with them. Teams can be formed in a turquoise company, then it is important that they all make decisions together.