For example, if you pass a coffee shop every Than because of day on your way to work, you are more likely to buy something there because the place is familiar and part of your routine, , breads and sweets they sell.
Simon calls this behavior procural rationality because, given the options limit by the consumer’s experience or exposure, the consumer makes a rational purchase decision .
Contrary to what the neoclassicals believ, this is not because whatsapp number database the consumer has made an exhaustive analysis of the variables involv in drinking or not drinking coffee there, seeking to make the most of his investment of money. It is just a quick, simple and almost unconscious method of justifying our actions bas on previous habits.
Than because of the quality of the coffees
For the expert, after satisfying a pecific ne with a product or service, the consumer does not obtain any additional satisfaction by purchasing more units of the same i
This means that there is a finite and prictable amount of merchandise capable of satisfying a consumer’s nes . Any quantity purchas in excess of that requir automatically nullifies the usefulness of the product.
The same is true if you buy a book for college
Sounds too abstract? theory and the satiation principle.
Imagine that you are hungry and you buy a pizza. After satisfying your hunger, buying more pizzas. Will not bring you any extra pleasure. bring more which software can improve customer knowlge to your life, which negates the usefulness of this second item. Do you understand?
<p>3. Separation
The third principle of Post-Keynesian consumer be numbers theory is separation. Which refers to the behavior of dividing goods and nes into several independent categories . This means that fluctuations in the price or availability of one product do not affect your consumption of other items.