How do support operators influence the success of your business? Directly! The quality of their work determines the relationship with customers and the company’s revenue: a satisfied user will come back to you himself and recommend you to friends. A dissatisfied one will refuse to buy and will tell you that it is better not to deal with you.
In this article, we look at the mistakes that are often made in support and tell you how to avoid them.
Mistake 1. Insufficient training of employees
The main task of the support service is to build positive dataset communication with the user. The requirements for customer service are growing, and support managers have to constantly train employees. This is confirmed by Usedesk research:
When support services do not have time to train newcomers, they send employees with minimal skills to the line. Incorrect work of operators who do not have sufficient knowledge about the product or service leads to a deterioration in the company’s reputation, increases the waiting time for a response, and reduces the overall effectiveness of technical support.
Jivo has tools that help newcomers quickly master the intricacies of the product and respond correctly to requests literally from the first day.
Response templates
During the training process, the operator and the mentor can this includes any methods of earning prepare templates for answers to frequently asked questions (product features, payment methods, delivery options). While on the line, the support service employee can edit and combine these phrases depending on the customer’s request.
Thus, the user receives a quick and accurate answer, and the operator remembers product information better and adapts to work faster. Response templates can be selected in the operator panel:
Tips when typing a response
All previously sent messages to clients are saved in the application. The operator can find them by keyword, edit them if necessary and send them to the client.
Hints will help you remember the correct saudi phone number answers and features of the product or service: for example, delivery hours on holidays.
AI assistant
A smart assistant saves the operator’s time. The AI assistant can independently generate a response based on information from the knowledge base, check grammar, rephrase the message or change its tone. For example, the AI autopilot can answer a standard user request: