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Keep customers engaged

You walk into a store to buy a pair of jeans, but often walk out with a shirt to go along with them. That’s because the salesperson did a good job at not just upselling you a better pair of jeans, but cross-selling from another category of products available.

A chatbot can help you do this online and in real time. Bas on what a consumer is looking for or the page they are looking at, a chatbot can start a conversation that helps them discover other options available to them that may be better than what the consumer had in mind.

Similarly, using the intent of the buyer, the chatbot can also recommend products that go with the product they came looking for. Think of this as product recommendations, but more conversational like a chat with the salesperson you met.

Prevent and recover abandon carts

There could be a number of reasons why an online cayman islands phone number list shopper chooses to abandon a purchase. With chatbots in place, you can actually stop them from leaving the cart behind or bring them back if they already have.

For example, if you see a visitor abandoning the cart and exiting your website, or taking too long to move to the next step, a chatbot can be us to trigger a conversation to ask if they ne any help. Be it calculating shipping costs, offering a discount on the cart total, or simply sharing return/exchange policies to ease their anxiety, a chatbot can handle it all to prevent cart abandonment.

Similarly, if the visitor has abandon the cart, a chatbot on social mia can be us to remind them of the products they left behind. The conversation can be us to either bring them back to the store to complete the purchase or understand why they abandon the cart in the first place.

If you have been sending email newsletters to keep customers engag, it’s time to add another strategy to the mix.

Chatbots are actually great at keeping customers engag. The two-way conversation contrary to the one-way push of information and updates is much more effective and gives you many more opportunities to get to know them better, or sell to them.

For example, once a customer has made a purchase from your store, you can use chatbots to send them product how-tos, or introduce them to other products that suit their interests. You can use their responses to nurture them further and lead them back to your store for more!

Collect customer feback and reviews

Chatbots are also extremely effective at collecting crop circles at home customer feback.

Think about the traditional emails requesting product betting email list feback.

Now think about walking into a store and being ask about your shopping experience before leaving.

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