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How can retail companies accelerate their evolution?

For retailers, the early simple “store flipping” model has How can retail certain limitations and cannot fully meet the ne s of users in the instant retail scenario. The development of instant retail business can no longer be limit to “going online”. Refin operation is an important factor in testing the business performance of merchants.

In the past year, Meituan’s flash supermarket convenience KA business has achiev fruitful results together with retail merchants in the four dimensions of products, experience, marketing, and warehouse opening.


For the supermarket retail industry, the buy phone number list construction of product power has always been the foundation and lifeblood of the entire retail industry.

At present, the supply of goods in society is abundant, How can retail so online users are more willing to choose goods with vibrant categories and cost-effectiveness. It is understood that in the past year, Meituan Flash Purchase has accelerat the optimization of the platform’s product information, and the overall quality rate of product information in supermarket convenience KA business has increas to over 80%, so that good products can be more accurately match with user nes.

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Taking the cooperation between CP Lotus and Meituan Flash Purchase as an example

This year the two parties jointly optimiz product information and improv sales. In the third quarter of 2024, the two parties jointly promot the fresh food project. Although fresh food is a traditional advantage category of CP Lotus, doing fresh how is ai transforming customer service? food business online faces great difficulties in inventory and loss. To this end, How can retail CP Lotus has form hard indicators for key indicators of online sales of fresh food, such as the number of SKUs suppli daily, online time, daily sales performance, user evaluation, etc., and track them daily. After the project was implement , the effective sales of fresh food categories in Meituan Flash Purchase increas by 40% compar with the second quarter, and user praise increas significantly.

In addition, CP Lotus can obtain data insights from Meituan

Flash Purchase and guide operations How can retail bas cayman islands lists on data. Meituan Flash Purchase operation team will analyze trend category hot search terms according to annual, monthly and weekly dimensions, and combine with CP Lotus’ actual sales to help CP Lotus understand consumption trends and identify categories that still have room for development, so as to meet customer ne s more efficiently.

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