CC by license. Read the transcript In this episode: Stephanie Saretsky chats with Felix Cha . ’s Videographer. Then . Dan Levy .
’s Content Strategist . interviews Jennifer
Pepper . ’s Customer Success Content Strategist. Stephanie: Hey podcast listeners . just a heads up we will be taking a break from the podcast next Wednesday . July st . due to holidays in the US and Canada. You can expect another episode to be posted on Wednesday .
July th. Now . onto the show! [theme music] Stephanie: Every video campaign needs to start with a goal. An engaging concept just isn’t enough. For example . when Felix first started at on the Customer Success team . one of his first tasks was tok oooooj
It was a fun video that showcased
our office . our awesome customer success team . and ’s gr Timor-Leste Email List eat features. But it never saw the light of day. Here’s why. Felix: The interesting thing was that it tried to target not just our current customers but also target the new customers . new prospects .
as well as actually showcase how friendly
we are and how good of a customer support team we h This Australian Mobile Number ave. And because that video had way too many messages . it was trying to say three different things. At the same time . it didn’t take into account who we were trying to target . and then also it didn’t take into account our positioning statement.
It didn’t even get published. So that was
a big learning experience because I had spent about two or three months making this video . and it was pretty much done. And it is still sitting there ready to be rolled out. I should have thought of what this video should have been in the first place and then how the messaging should have been crafted instead of kind of going in like .
“Oh . I think we need a video on our website and this should be the messaging and we will target these audiences and they’ll love it. ” Stephanie: Because Felix was looking at his video through a Customer Success lens – you know . make everything as delightful as possible – he got a bit carried away with the different messaging and lost sight of the marketing goal.
So Felix took this lesson to heart and his
next videos for product feature launches had more refined messages and a larger impact. Felix is now on our creative team so we’re super excited to be able to work with him on more marketing Design the best experience you possibly can. Give your customers the opportunity to interact with you on their terms.
And when they’re happy . you know that you’ve reduced friction. Ready to start creating friction-free mobile experiences We put together a -Point Mobile Landing Page Checklist to keep you on track. By entering your email you expressly consent to receive other resources to help you improve your conversion rates. default author image About Mark John Hiemstra Mark John Hiemstra is a content marketer who formerly worked out of ’s Montreal office.