crop circles Sometimes the strangest things happen in our house. Mysterious and equally fascinating phenomena occur here. And I was quick enough to capture these moments!
So here they come: Our crop circles !
crop circles at home
It’s early in the morning. I’m still lying in bed, slowly waking up, blinking and looking… not into the sweet face of my son, but into that of a tractor. How did it get there? No idea!
This is how my day sometimes begins .
Crop Circles at Home – Tractor in Bed
When we get to breakfast, things continue! Strange little holes suddenly appear in our butter… Does the arrangement of the holes mean something? Definitely!
Crop Circles at Home – Holes in the Butter
When I come out of the bathroom, our wall is suddenly colombia mobile database decorated with cryptic symbols … How did they get there? What are they trying to tell me?
Crop Circles at Home – Signs on the Wall
Back to the food: The drinks – whether they are in glasses or cups – gradually change color and consistency towards the end of the meal… It looks disgusting, I think.
Crop circles at home – water glass with all kinds of filling
All I hear is a “Rrrrrrrrrtsch!” sound, I follow the sound and see… suddenly half of a beautiful animal poster is missing!
Crop circles at home – torn animal poster
Then I hear that “plopplopplopplopp…” again and I chaos while making lanterns know immediately what has happened: my tampon box has been spilled.
Who does something like that?! Why?! Why my tampons?! I dy leads put them away and during the course of the day the same thing happens again. It’s like a ritual for us.
Crop circles at home – tampons spilled
It seems to like stickers…
Crop circles at home – ride-on car decorated with Easter stickers