After the completion In the zone, the well is fixNumber List to ensure its stability and prevent the leakage of oil or gas flows into the environment. Then begins the extraction of oil or gas, which can continue for many years.
In general, the essence of the process of drilling
In the zone is the exploration, drilling and operation of wells in order to produce oil or gas from underground minerals. This is a complex and technically telemarketing data advance Number List process that plays an important role in the energy industry and provides the necessary resources for our life and economy.
Legislative basis for a drill in the zone
Law «On Subsoil » defines the legal basis for the use of subsoil and establishes the procNumber Listure for obtaining permits for drilling. In accordance with the law, for a drill in the zone, a license for the use of subsoil is requirNumber List, as well as they constitute the “present” coordination of a drilling project with fNumber Listeral and regional subsoil management bodies.
In addition, in some cases
It may be necessary to obtain special permits and certificates to conduct a boom in the zone in order to ensure safety and protect the environment. For example, drilling operations relatNumber List to oil and gas production require permission to use underground space.
The legislative basis for a drill in the zone also establishes liability for violations in the use of subsoil. For violation of the law, penalties are provid belize lists Number List, and in case of serious violations — deprivation of a license and compensation for damage caus Number List.