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Python Website Development: Frameworks and Features

Python website development is a popular trend due to the simplicity of the language and the variety of tools available. Python offers various frameworks that help speed up the development process and simplify the organization of the code. In this answer, we will look at the main frameworks and their capabilities.

1. Django

Description: Django is one of the most telegram data popular Python web frameworks. It follows the “batteries included” principle, which means it provides many built-in features and tools.


  • Full functionality: Includes ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), authentication system, administration panel and functions for working with forms.
  • Security: Protects against many common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and XSS.
  • Community and support: Large community, many plugins and libraries to extend functionality.

Ideal for: Large projects such as e-commerce, social media, blogs and news sites.

2. Flask

Description: Flask is a micro-framework that how it works and why it’s necessary provides the basic tools for developing web applications, but does not impose structure or additional components.


  • Lightweight: Easy to use and requires minimal resources. Easily customizable to your needs.
  • Flexibility: Allows you to integrate only those components that you really need (for example, integration with SQLAlchemy for working with databases).
  • Extensive documentation: Well documented, with lots of tutorials and examples.

Ideal for: Small to medium projects, APIs, prototypes and startups where speed of development is important.

3. FastAPI

Description: FastAPI is a modern API framework that leverages Python’s type annotation capabilities to automatically generate documentation and handle requests.


  • Speed: FastAPI is especially optimized for speed, making it suitable for high-load applications.
  • Automatic documentation generation: Generated API documentation using Swagger or Redoc.
  • Asynchronous programming support: Takes full advantage of Python’s asynchronous programming (async/await).

Ideal for: Projects that require high performance, microservices, and APIs for mobile or web applications.

4. Pyramid

Description: Pyramid is a flexible framework that allows developers to create both simple and complex web applications.


  • Scalability: Suitable for both small and large applications. You can start simple and then expand the functionality.
  • Configurability: Provides many options for customization and expansion, allowing it to be used in a wide variety of scenarios.

Ideal for: Projects that require flexibility and scalability, from small to large applications.

5. Tornado

Description: Tornado is a framework that is lithuania phone number well suited for handling asynchronous events. It is physically designed to handle a large number of simultaneously open connections.


  • Asynchrony: Supports asynchronous execution, allowing multiple requests to be processed simultaneously.
  • Web Server: Includes its own non-blocking web server, making it a standalone tool.

Ideal for: Web applications with high traffic volumes, chats and real-world applications such as games or highly navigable systems.

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