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The power of incentives for the distribution channel in HORECA

Internal and external collaborators are considered one of the most. The power of incentives important parts of loyalty in the business. Why? Because they are the main The power of incentives ambassadors for many brands in channels. Such as retail or HORECA. But what is HORECA. Thanks to incentive programs for the distributor channel cell phone database Which directly leads to the success of products and services.

What is the HORECA channel?

HORECA is a term that refers to the acronym formed by the first two letters of the following three words: hotels, restaurants and cafes.

This acronym is used to name the distribution channel for food and beverages in the hotel and restaurant industry.

The term is used in the marketing ecosystem to refer to a specific target audience, as well as to the management and commercial actions of a part of the market.

As a distribution channel , HORECA prepares and serves food and drinks that have been previously purchased.

What is the HORECA channel?

  • Drinks.
  • Liquors and wines.
  • Dry food.
  • Refrigerated products.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • Bread and pastries.
  • Frozen and ice cream.
  • Coffee and tea vending machines.

Regarding food establishments, depending on what interests the customer, Royal Decree 3484/2000 establishes a classification:

  • Traditional catering : cafes, restaurants and bars.
  • Commercial catering : includes catering activities that are advantages of a good customer experience in an e-commerce responsible for preparing and selling food and drinks to consumers in establishments and points of sale.
  • Collective catering : refers to canteen services in schools, hospitals, public transport and catering.
  • Modern catering : take-away.

What are the benefits of an incentive plan for the HORECA channel?

In the world of hospitality, cafes and restaurants, it is necessary for book your list employees to have a high level of motivation and commitment. All of them depend on the business being successful in the HORECA channel. To achieve the satisfaction of both, it is important to design an incentive plan, as it will promote greater effectiveness in tasks and good motivation.

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